Yep, I'm here. I promise I didn't get lost! It's just been a busy couple weeks. After we returned from visiting our son and family in NY, I had a couple days at home before I went to Nashville to babysit for my daughter Anna Maria while she was in Houston at quilt market.

While at her home I was able to play in her studio and use her new Janome Horizon 7700. Wow what a difference a sewing machine with a larger throat makes. I was able to machine quilt my friend's 63" x 63" inch quilt. (And I can show it to you since I gave it to her yesterday.
I did very little knitting while I was in Nashville. By the time the children (5) were in bed, I was ready for bed myself!
However I was able to finish my sweater after I got home and I actually wore it yesterday.
Now I'm getting ready to work on a baby shower quilt and some hats for a charity project that our church women's group is participating in. That will be a wonderful way to use up some leftover stash yarn.
This is the plan for my quilt. There will be 9 of these 9 patches to make a 36" quilt.
So the quilting and knitting continues.