Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Unlike the "western world" who celebrated Easter on April 12, the Eastern Orthodox church celebrated this past Sunday.  I wish all my Orthodox friends a Paschal greeting and hope that you are having a blessed "Bright" Week of Renewal.
Xristos Anesti  --  Christ is Risen

These are not real eggs; rather wooden eggs to mimic the ancient art of the Ukranian eggs.  I purchased them several years ago from one of my daily web sites.

That makes it time to "renew" some of my routine activities--especially quilting.  My cutting table has been looking like this all during our Holy Week, with no sewing.

I did, however, complete my little knitting project that I took to my daughter on Sunday for her new little addition expected next month.  (Those of you who read her blog have already seen this.)

I also took this loaf of bread to her family.  Just a bit of ethnic trivia:  During the 6 weeks that precede Orthodox Holy Week and during Holy Week, most faithful Orthodox follow a vegan diet. 

 This is a traditional Greek "tsoureki" or sweet bread--ingredients including milk, eggs, butter that have been excluded from the diet during the "fast" complete with a red egg in the center.  (Well, mine didn't turn out to be quite in the center.)

May each of you have a renewal this week; after all,  IT'S  SPRING!


Eileen said...

Beautiful pictures

Anonymous said...

I didn't have the time this year to make the Tsoureki. How do you dye your eggs? My yiayia used to use some mixture of I don't know what, but the dye was beautiful and vibrant, mine just rubs off on everyone's hands!

Mary Lynn said...

I used almost a whole bottle of red food coloring, a little vinegar in just enough water to cover the one egg. (I used my "briki" (the little Greek coffee maker.)
It also helped that the egg was a brown egg. This is the first that I've gotten a color that vivid.