Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Don't know if many of you remember this Block of the Month quilt that I was finishing up about this time last year.

Well, there were seemingly myriads of little triangles left over. And not being one to waste any scrap of fabric larger than 1" square, I saved all those little triangles -- and actually had gone ahead at the time and converted them into little "half square triangle" blocks. I hadn't pressed or trimmed them yet, so guess what I've been doing lately. You guessed it:

I've been sewing little seams, pressing little seams, trimming little blocks; sewing little seams, pressing little seams, trimming little blocks; sewing little seams, pressing little seams, and trimming little blocks. You get the picture, right? By the time I'm finished with all that little seam work, I think I'll have about 50 3"pinwheel" blocks. Then, just gotta figure out what to do with them. I've got some ideas, but not quite certain yet.

I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Jan said...

Hi Mary Lynn ... just got caught up on the happenings w/your Blog and everything is sooooooo wonderful!!! I so wish I had been able to help AM out w/her project ... I was almost to the point of completing a D9P quilt to send, but it doesn't look like it's gonna happen now. All of your contributions are awesome and I adore the latest completed sweater :) Always love the family photos ... soooooo many blessings for you and Terry :) Makes me smile. Love you my friend.